Revenue Enablement

RevOps Managed Services

Fractional Marketing, Sales, Customer Success and Data Operations.

RevOps Transformation

People, process and system audit, RevOps strategy, road mapping and implementation.

CRM Services

HubSpot Partner Services

We're the leading HubSpot Diamond partner specialising in Revenue Operations. From initial set up to optimising your instance - we are the experts.

Salesforce Services

Quick start implementations, and optimisation for businesses on Salesforce Sales Cloud.

Marketo Services

Marketing Operations and Campaign management for busy marketing teams

Technical Services

HubSpot Web Development

SEO optimised website migrations, design, development and optimisation services.

Custom Integration

Connect technology. Allowing your data to flow, without manual work


Strategies and tactics you can use to boost your revenue.

Annual Revenue Operations Report

Learn what makes a great revenue leader including strategies and tactics proven to impact.

Revenue Attribution Models Presentation

Learn how to plan, audit, and optimize revenue attribution for your business.

RevOps Reporting for the CFO Presentation

Align your go-to-market and financial operations with this free comprehensive RevOps Reporting for the CFO Presentation.

Training & Webinars
Learn how to implement best practices in RevOps yourself.


Free tools and downloads to help you build sustainable revenue growth.

Lead Scoring Framework

The framework to score contacts, accounts and intent data to provide sales with a score they can understand.

Salesforce - HubSpot Integration Tool

Plan, map and optimise your HubSpot and Salesforce integration, with this free download.

RevOps Project Roadmap

Download our free template so you can fast-track your project planning.


Strategies and thought leadership to transform your revenue operations.

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Custom Integrations

PlanHub saved $20,000
per year
custom reporting

planhub logo

PlanHub is designed to be the all-in-one hub for commercial project leads, networking, bid management, takeoff, and insights. A software company with deep roots in construction. It’s built by contractors, for contractors. PlanHub helps construction professionals connect, win bids, and grow their business.

The Challenge

PlanHub faced challenges in generating specific reports for various "products" used at the Company level, such as Subcontractor Regions or Supplier Zones. Reports were not standardised, and they would have to manually export data from a view that included the relevant properties. 

These "products" were utilised in Quotes and Chargebee checkout, and upon user payment in Chargebee, the purchased "products" were sent to PlanHub. Subsequently, PlanHub pushed this data to HubSpot as Company property "Subcontractor Regions".

Given the increasing number of "products" and continuous additions to the list, they contemplated the need for a more efficient approach to push and report on this data in HubSpot. The then-current method solely relied on using a property, which was not optimal for comprehensive reporting.

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Our Solution


To address the challenges with generating specific reports for various "products" used at the Company level, we implemented a comprehensive solution as follows:


Products in HubSpot Review

We conducted a thorough review of the existing products in HubSpot, analysing the current properties and data associated with "products" like Subcontractor Regions and Supplier Zones. This review allowed us to understand the current state and identify areas for improvement.

Data Quality Assessment:

We examined the association of "products" with “deals” and “companies”, assessing the quality of this data through reports in HubSpot. Identifying any data discrepancies or inaccuracies was crucial to ensure reliable reporting.

Live Session on understanding the Interaction Objects have with each other in HubSpot:

We conducted a live session with the team to highlight the interaction objects within HubSpot and their relationships. This provided the team with a deeper understanding of how "products" were connected to deals and companies, streamlining the reporting process.

Live Building Session for Custom Reports:

Working closely with the team, we conducted a live building session to create custom reports that aligned with their specific data needs. This ensured that the reports generated from HubSpot accurately reflected the "products" data and catered to the team's requirements.


In summary

The implemented solution not only streamlined the reporting of "products" in HubSpot, but it also had a significant positive impact on time and cost savings. The team's increased efficiency and reduced manual efforts resulted in more productive work hours and financial benefits for the organisation.

The improved reporting capabilities now empower the team to make better-informed decisions, ultimately contributing to enhanced business performance and effectiveness.


Our impact

208 hours saved a year on reporting

The time saved directly translates to cost savings for the organisation. As the team spends 4 hours less on reporting tasks each week, the labour cost associated with these hours is also reduced.

$20,800+ saved in labour costs

Assuming an hourly labour rate of $100, the organisation saves $400 per week (4 hours/week * $100/hour), which amounts to $20,800 in cost savings annually ($400/week * 52 weeks). These cost savings contribute to improving the bottom line and optimising resource allocation within the organisation.

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"What impressed us was the fact we had access to so many different skillsets. No matter the challenges the team was able to fix things fast."

Evan Williams
VP Operations

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